Finding and Working with a Cover Designer

Creating your own cover might sound like a lot of work, especially if you (like me) would much rather write than struggle to make a decent-looking cover. Although I create my own covers for my free e-books, I pay a professional to design covers for my other e-books — and there’s nothing stopping you from doing the same.

You don’t necessarily need to spend a lot of money to produce a great-looking e-book cover, though it’s worth the money to see it as an investment in your book. Here’s a rough rule of thumb: Start with a $100 minimum for a straightforward cover design by a professional graphical designer — and plan to budget between $200 and $300.

If you can’t afford this amount, consider one of these strategies to find someone to help:

check.png Hire a freelance designer who’s willing to work at a discount. A recent graduate (or even a current student) who simply wants to gain experience may even be willing to work for free. You could e-mail local universities’ design departments to see whether they can pass a message around to potentially interested students.

check.png Swap skills with an experienced designer. For example, the designer creates your cover, and you edit the copy on her website.

Offering the designer a percentage of sales rather ...

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