Chapter 7

Temperature-Dependent Perturbation Theory

Consider the partition function


with β = 1/kT, N0 the number operator for electrons, and the hamiltonian H = H0 + V split into an unperturbed part H0 and a perturbation V. The factorization


is introduced, where the relation S(β) = exp[β(H0μN0)] exp[– β(HμN0)] is used. Correspondingly, the unperturbed partition function


is defined permitting the expression Z(β) = Z0(β)imagesS(β)images0, where the average imagesimages0 is formed with the density operator ρ = Z0–1(β) exp[–β(H0μN0)].

Since S(0) = 1, it follows that images Explicit differentiation yields


and the notation ...

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