
The journey through Portfolio Management has been very rewarding for me, as it has given me the opportunity to work for some of the best companies in the world and learn from some of the greatest business minds. Throughout this journey, I have been able to forge strong professional and personal relationships while implementing Portfolio Management at Johnson & Johnson and MGM Mirage. Along the way, several individuals have been instrumental in providing me with the guidance, opportunities, and insights I needed to excel in this field. I would also like to recognize and thank my fellow EPMC members who worked countless hours to make this book a reality. Lastly, I would like to thank my wife and family for all of their support and understanding, which have enabled me to pursue my passion for Portfolio Management and spend time away from them writing this book.

Michael Gosnear

I thank my family for their support and Franklin Templeton Investments for allowing me to learn, grow, and apply the profession.

Mike Mee

I owe a deep debt of gratitude to my parents, who encouraged and supported me to be all that I could be. I also had many wonderful teachers that informed and inspired me. Of many great teachers, Professor Ron Howard of Stanford University made a particularly profound impression and set me on a life long career in decision consulting. I learned most of what I know about portfolio management from colleagues at, and clients of, SRI and SDG, as well as all the ...

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