Chapter 17

Templates for Reporting

In This Chapter

arrow Templates for reports made during the project

arrow Templates for reports and the end of the project and after it

This chapter covers templates you can use to help you prepare reports. At the start of the project consider what reports you’ll need and put the details in the Communications Plan for the project (part of the PMP – the Project Management Plan).

As with all reports, small is beautiful. Think critically about the items on each template and remove any headings that won’t be relevant for your current project. Where you do need a heading you should include it in your report (obviously enough) but then be careful to put only essential information in that section. Writing huge amounts of excessive information just makes unnecessary work for you in writing the report, and wastes the time of those poor people who must now plough through it all.

tip.eps Managers with any experience value concise reports and won’t be at all impressed with unnecessarily lengthy ones. Provided that the report contains the required information, busy managers will be much more pleased with a short document than with a long one. If you’re new to projects and project ...

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