About the Author

John E. Triantis is a retired business consulting economist, business strategist, and former project financing director with a track record of introducing effective processes and practices to develop value creating projects. He is an experienced new business development project leader and a trusted advisor in large investment, international infrastructure financing, and organizational restructuring projects. His passion is to help clients minimize decision uncertainty and project risk by integrating sound processes, analytics, and evaluations with strategic planning and business development principles to maximize project value. He uses unique methods and techniques to create world‐class organizations, apply best practices to successful project development and financing, and create sound project value realization measures.

His broad experience encompasses effective analysis for strategic decisions, investment evaluations, project risk management and financing, and productivity enhancements. He has developed practical methods, assessment tools, and early warning systems and uses cost‐benefit approaches to minimize time to decision, address risk mitigation effectively, and maximize chances of project success. He delivers knowledge and hands‐on coaching to clients on strategic planning and new business development, investment opportunity assessments, project financing, business cases, and business planning. His quest for efficient decision making has produced a ...

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