

  1. Accommodation-type projects
  2. Adaptive response planning
  3. Advisors
    1. engagement
    2. perspective
    3. roles
  4. African Development Bank (AfDB)
  5. Affermage, contractual agreement
  6. Agreements
  7. Angola model
  8. Annual debt service cover ratio (ADSCR)
  9. Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  10. Asian Infrastructure Bank
  11. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
  12. Asset-backed securities (ABSs)
  13. Assumptions book
  14. Assumption verifying
  15. Availability contract
  16. Availability projects


  1. Banking case (base case)
  2. Banks, perspective
  3. Basel II default rates, definition
  4. Benchmarking
  5. Benefit, maximization
  6. Best-modeling practices/software
  7. Best-project financing practices, adoption
  8. Best value for the money (BVM) principle
  9. Bidding/procurement event preparations/documentation
  10. Bid/procurement advisors
  11. Bids, structuring
  12. Bilateral DFI
  13. Bilateral institutions
  14. Black swans
  15. B loan
  16. Bonds
    1. financing structure component
    2. issuance
  17. Brazil, Russia, India, China (BRIC) countries
  18. Brownfield projects
  19. Build, lease, and transfer (BLT)
  20. Build, operate, and transfer (BOT)
  21. Build, operate, maintain, and transfer (BOMT)
  22. Build, own, and operate (BOO)
  23. Build, own, operate, and transfer (BOOT)
  24. Build-rehabilitate-operate-transfer (BROT)
  25. Build, transfer, and operate (BTO)
  26. Business development
    1. groups, selection/validation
    2. support
  27. Business ethics, culture (creation)
  28. Business links, establishment
  29. Buyer credit


  1. Capital
    1. attraction
    2. expenditure project failures, reasons
    3. grants
    4. infrastructure projects
    5. injection agreement
    6. structure
  2. Capitalized interest
  3. Cash ...

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