The Union of DIBs and DDBs

You can do a lot knowing the format of the DIB and by calling the two DIB-drawing functions, SetDIBitsToDevice and StretchDIBits. You have direct access to every single bit, byte, and pixel in the DIB, and once you come up with a bunch of functions that let you examine and alter this data in a structured manner, there are no restrictions on what you can do.

Actually, we’ve found that there are some restrictions. In the last chapter, we saw how you can use GDI functions to draw images on a DDB. So far, there doesn’t appear to be any way we can do that with DIBs. Another problem is that SetDIBitsToDevice and StretchDIBits are not nearly as fast as BitBlt and StretchBlt, particularly under Windows NT and when many nearest- ...

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