
Write( ) — write one or more image files


Write( ) allows you to write the data for a single image or a sequence to a file or standard output. When using PerlMagick in CGI applications, you must use a hyphen (-) as the filename to write to standard output. Calling Write( ) without a specified filename will write to the file indicated by the image’s filename attribute. If there is a writing problem, Write( ) returns the number of images successfully written. Error checking may be done as for the Read( ) operation described earlier.

If you have read a sequence of images into an Image::Magick object, you can write out the entire sequence as a single file if your output format supports multiple images, or you can write individual scenes from the sequence.

Some examples:

$button->Write('jpeg:button.jpg'); # write to button.jpg as a JPEG

$image->Write('gif:-');            # No this isn't a smiley with half 
                                   # a moustache; the - means write to STDOUT

$image->Write(file=>IMAGE);        # Write to an open Perl filehandle 

$images->[0]->Write('foobar.gif'); # write only the first image in a sequence

$image->Read('foo.gif');           # If this is the only read...
$image->Write();                   # ...this will write to foo.gif

Instead of writing your image to a file, you can instead display it to any X11 screen. Use Display( ) to display one image at a time to the screen and Animate( ) to display an image sequence.

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