
new( ) — create a new PostScript::Document object


$doc = PostScript::Document->new( paper => $paper,
                                     width => $width,
                                     height => $height,
                                     rmargin => $rmargin, 
                                     lmargin => $lmargin,
                                     tmargin => $tmargin,
                                     bmargin => $bmargin );

This method instantiates a new object of class PostScript::Document. There are seven attributes that may be optionally set when a new object is created; a paper attribute that can be one of the valid paper size strings (e.g., Letter, Legal, etc.), the width and height of the page (in points), and the four margins of the page (also in points). Note that if you specify the paper attribute, you do not have to include the width and height attributes (and vice versa). The default values are Letter paper (612 × 792 points) and margins of .5 inches (36 points).

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