
About the Authors.  Jesse Liberty is the bestselling author of Programming C#, Programming ASP.NET, Learning C#, and a dozen other books on web and object-oriented programming. He is the president of Liberty Associates, Inc., where he provides contract programming, consulting, and on-site training in ASP.NET, Visual Basic, C#, and related topics. He is a former vice president of Citibank and a former Distinguished Software Engineer and Software Architect for AT&T, Ziff Davis, Xerox, and PBS.

Our look is the result of reader comments, our own experimentation, and feedback from distribution channels. Distinctive covers complement our distinctive approach to technical topics, breathing personality and life into potentially dry subjects.

The animal on the cover of Programming Visual Basic 2005 is a crested grebe. Grebes are sleek freshwater birds that inhabit lakes, rivers, and estuaries on every continent on Earth, except Antarctica. The crested variety (Podiceps cristatus) is 46 to 51 centimeters long and has a wingspan of 59 to 73 centimeters. In the summer months, adults can be recognized by their colorful head and neck plumage. As winter approaches, these decorations turn white. Grebes are powerful swimmers and can pursue fish underwater. They also dine on aquatic insects, tiny vertebrates, crustaceans, and snails.

Grebes are monogamous during the mating season. Both males and females can initiate courtship. A grebe attracts a prospective mate with extravagant water dances ...

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