
In July 2000, Microsoft announced the release of its new .NET platform, which represented a major change in the way people think about programming. .NET facilitates object-oriented Internet development. Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is a programming language that was adapted from its predecessor, Visual Basic 6, specifically for the purpose of writing applications for the .NET platform. This new version of the Visual Basic language is well suited for developing distributed web applications.

About This Book

Programming Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition, is a tutorial, both on the VB.NET language and on writing .NET applications with VB.NET. If you are already proficient in a programming language, you may be able to skim a number of the early chapters, but be sure to read through Chapter 1, which provides an overview of the language and the .NET platform. If you are new to programming, you’ll want to read the book as the King of Hearts instructed the White Rabbit in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: “Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”

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