Calling the Default Constructor

As mentioned earlier, if you do not create a constructor, an implicit default constructor will be called by the compiler. You can see this at work by commenting out the constructor in Example 7-1:

'Public Sub New( _
'   ByVal xCoordinate As Integer, ByVal yCoordinate As Integer)
'    myXVal = xCoordinate
'    myYVal = yCoordinate
'End Sub 'New

and replacing the first line in Main( ) with one that creates an instance of Location without passing values:

'Dim loc1 As New Location(200, 300)
Dim loc1 As New Location( )

Because there is now no constructor at all, the implicit default constructor is called. The output looks like this:

Loc1 location: 0, 0
Loc2 location: 0, 0

The default constructor has initialized the member variables to zero.

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