

& ampersand (see ampersand)
( ) parentheses (see parentheses)
* multiplication operator, Arithmetic Operators
+ addition operator, Arithmetic Operators
+ icon, Binding a DataSet to a Windows Forms DataGrid
+ plus character, String-Concatenation Operators
+ unary plus operator, Unary Operators
, comma (see comma)
- hyphen, Adding Menus in the Visual Studio .NET Windows Forms Designer
- subtraction operator, Arithmetic Operators
- unary minus operator, Unary Operators
. dot character, Identifiers
. period, Namespaces
.ascx files, User Controls
.asmx files, Testing a Web Service with a Browser
.aspx files, Source Files, ASP.NET and Web Forms: Developing Browser-Based Applications
naming, Creating a Form Using Visual Studio .NET
.config file extension, Configuration
.dll files, Modules and Assemblies
.exe files, Modules and Assemblies
.NET class, ASP.NET and Web Forms: Developing Browser-Based Applications
.NET Framework, What Is the Microsoft .NET Framework?, The .NET Framework, Summary
managed providers and, Managed Providers
.NET modules vs. standard modules, Standard Modules
.vb file extension, Source Files
/ regular-division operator, Arithmetic Operators
2-D graphics programming with GDI+, 2-D Graphics Programming with GDI+, Antialiasing
< less-than operator, Relational Operators
<= less-than-or-equal-to operator, Relational Operators
= equality operator, Relational Operators
> greater-than operator, Relational Operators
>= greater-than-or-equal-to operator, Relational Operators
@ Assembly directive, ...

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