Use Precajoled JavaScript Libraries

JavaScript libraries such as YUI, JQuery, Prototype, and Dojo have become core tools in website and application development. Numerous library developers have made strides in providing at least a subset of their libraries that can be cajoled without generating errors. The YUI, JQuery, and Prototype libraries currently have the most development work completed toward cajoling subsets of their functionality.

The YUI 2.8 ( library has the most documentation on its availability within a cajoled environment. It marked the first attempt by the cross-functional YUI, Caja, and Developer Network teams at Yahoo! to provide a subset for use within Caja. As of YUI 2.8, any version 2 of the library can be cajoled if needed. YUI 3 is currently not tested within a Caja environment.

During development, the teams were able to release a large subset of 2.8’s functionality, including the following components:

  • YUI core

    • YAHOO global object (base requirement for all YUI components)

    • DOM collection (convenience methods for DOM interactions)

    • Event utility (event normalization and custom events)

  • YUI library utilities

    • Animation utility

    • Connection manager (for XHR/AJAX)

    • DataSource utility

    • Drag and drop utility

    • Element utility

    • ImageLoader utility

    • Resize utility

    • Selector utility

  • YUI library controls/widgets

    • AutoComplete

    • Button

    • Container (including Module, Overlay, Panel, Tooltip, Dialog, and SimpleDialog)

    • Menu

    • TabView

    • TreeView

The source and tests for the YUI 2.8 ...

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