Building Social Relevance: Exploring the Facebook Social Graph

Now that we have a good core understanding of many aspects of working with a social platform and what makes up a user’s social interactions on it, let’s take a look at one that has had quite a lot of success at developing the social web: Facebook. As a major player in the social platform space, Facebook has a vastly relevant, rich social graph that extends far beyond the confines of its site.

Even though Facebook has a lot of proprietary implementations on its platform, it also supports and implements a wide array of open source initiatives, including (but by no means limited to):

  • OAuth 2

  • The Open Graph Protocol

  • Hadoop

The company has also contributed several projects to the community, including HipHop for PHP, which transforms base PHP into highly optimized C++.

Facebook is the largest social network in the space, with a successful infrastructure built around bringing an online presence to the real lives of its users. Therefore, it would be neglectful of this book to not explore a few of the basic precepts behind how this platform works to connect people, companies, and entities.

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