Chapter 18. Scala for Big Data

I said in Chapter 17 that the need to write concurrent programs is driving adoption of FP. However, good concurrency models like actors make it easier for developers to continue using object-oriented programming techniques and avoid the effort of learning functional programming. So, perhaps the multicore problem isn’t driving change as fast as many of us originally thought?

Now I think that Big Data will be a more compelling driver of FP adoption. While actor code still looks object-oriented, more or less, the difference between Big Data applications written in object-oriented Java versus functional Scala is striking. Functional combinators, e.g., map, flatMap, filter, fold, etc., have always been tools for working with data. Whether that data is in small, in-memory collections or spread across a petabyte-sized cluster, the same abstractions apply. Combinators generalize almost seamlessly across this scale. Once you know the Scala collections, you can pick up the Scala API of one of the popular Big Data tools very quickly. It’s true that you’ll eventually need to understand how these tools are implemented to write more performant applications, but you’ll still be productive quickly.

I’ve spoken with many Java developers with Big Data experience and little prior interest in Scala. They light up when they see how concise their code could be if they made the switch. For this reason, Scala has emerged as the de facto programming language for Big Data ...

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