Binary Search Trees

Binary trees are a data structure that impose an order on inserted nodes: items less than a node are stored in the left subtree, and items greater than a node are inserted in the right. At the bottom, the subtrees are empty. Because of this structure, binary trees naturally support quick, recursive traversals—at least ideally, every time you follow a link to a subtree, you divide the search space in half.[*]

Binary trees are named for the implied branch-like structure of their subtree links. Typically, their nodes are implemented as a triple of values: (LeftSubtree, NodeValue, RightSubtree). Beyond that, there is fairly wide latitude in the tree implementation. Here we’ll use a class-based approach:

  • BinaryTree is a header object, which initializes and manages the actual tree.

  • EmptyNode is the empty object, shared at all empty subtrees (at the bottom).

  • BinaryNode objects are nonempty tree nodes with a value and two subtrees.

Instead of coding distinct search functions, binary trees are constructed with “smart” objects (class instances) that know how to handle insert/lookup and printing requests and pass them to subtree objects. In fact, this is another example of the object-oriented programming (OOP) composition relationship in action: tree nodes embed other tree nodes and pass search requests off to the embedded subtrees. A single empty class instance is shared by all empty subtrees in a binary tree, and inserts replace an EmptyNode with a BinaryNode at the bottom ...

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