


array fstat(int handle)

Returns an associative array of information about the file referenced by handle. The following values(given here with their numeric and key indexes) are included in the array:

dev (0)

The device on which the file resides

ino (1)

The file’s inode

mode (2)

The mode with which the file was opened

nlink (3)

The number of links to this file

uid (4)

The user ID of the file’s owner

gid (5)

The group ID of the file’s owner

rdev (6)

The device type (if the file is on an inode device)

size (7)

The file’s size (in bytes)

atime (8)

The time of last access (in Unix timestamp format)

mtime (9)

The time of last modification (in Unix timestamp format)

ctime (10)

The time the file was created (in Unix timestamp format)

blksize (11)

The blocksize (in bytes) for the filesystem

blocks (12)

The number of blocks allocated to the file

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