

! (exclamation point)
!= (inequality) operator, Comparison Operators
!== (not identical) operator, Comparison Operators
type specification modifier, Parameter Handling
" (quotes, double)
double-quoted strings
escape sequences in, Strings
variable interpolation in, Variable Interpolation
HTML entity for, Entity-quoting all special characters
in heredocs, Here Documents
in SQL queries, SQL
in string literals, Strings
# (hash marks) in comments, Shell-style comments
$ (dollar sign)
in regular expressions, The Basics, Anchors, Match Behavior, Anchors
in variable names, Variable names, Variables
$db->query( ) method, PEAR DB Basics
$GLOBALS array, Global scope
$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS array, Variables
$HTTP_ENV_VARS array, Variables
$HTTP_POST_FILES array, Variables
$HTTP_POST_VARS array, Variables
$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA variable, Servers
$HTTP_SERVER_VARS array, Variables
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS array, Session basics
$PHP_SELF variable (current script name), Variables
$_COOKIE array, Cookies
$_FILES array, File Uploads
accessing form parameters, Parameters
$_GET array, Forms, Automatic Quoting of Parameters
accessing form parameters, Parameters
$_POST array, Forms
accessing form parameters, Parameters
$_SERVER array, Server Information, Server Information
HTTP request headers, entries for, Server Information
% (percent sign)
% (modulus) operator, Arithmetic Operators
%= (modulus assignment) operator, Assignment with operation
in format string to printf( ), printf( )
& (ampersand)
& (bitwise AND) operator, Bitwise Operators ...

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