Variable Scope

Up to this point, if you don’t use functions, any variable you create can be used anywhere in a page. With functions, this is not always true. Functions keep their own sets of variables that are distinct from those of the page and of other functions.

The variables defined in a function, including its parameters, are not accessible outside the function, and, by default, variables defined outside a function are not accessible inside the function. The following example illustrates this:

    $a = 3;

    function foo(  ) {
      $a += 2;

    foo(  );
    echo $a;

The variable $a inside the function foo( ) is a different variable than the variable $a outside the variable; even though foo( ) uses the add-and-assign operator, the value of the outer $a remains 3 throughout the life of the page. Inside the function, $a has the value 2.

As we discussed in Chapter 2, the extent to which a variable can be seen in a program is called the scope of the variable. Variables created within a function are inside the scope of the function (i.e., have function-level scope). Variables created outside of functions and objects have global scope and exist anywhere outside of those functions and objects. A few variables provided by PHP have both function-level and global scope.

At first glance, even an experienced programmer may think that in the previous example $a will be 5 by the time the echo statement is reached, so keep that in mind when choosing names for your variables.

Global Variables

If you want a variable ...

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