Authenticating a Test Socket

Most of our channels code relies on an authenticated user. We’ll start our tests with the socket authentication. Let’s do that now.

Create a rumbrella/apps/rumbl/test/channels/user_socket_test.exs file containing:

1: defmodule​ Rumbl.Channels.UserSocketTest ​do
use​ Rumbl.ChannelCase, ​async:​ true
alias Rumbl.UserSocket
5:  test ​"​​socket authentication with valid token"​ ​do
token = Phoenix.Token.sign(@endpoint, ​"​​user socket"​, ​"​​123"​)
assert {​:ok​, socket} = connect(UserSocket, %{​"​​token"​ => token})
assert socket.assigns.user_id == ​"​​123"
10: end
test ​"​​socket authentication with invalid ...

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