A Subtle Untying Trap

If you intend to make use of the object returned from tie or tied, and the class defines a destructor, there is a subtle trap you must guard against. Consider this (admittedly contrived) example of a class that uses a file to log all values assigned to a scalar:

package Remember;sub TIESCALAR {
    my $class = shift;
    my $filename = shift;
    open(my $handle, ">", $filename)
         or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n";
    print $handle "The Start\n";
    bless {FH => $handle, VALUE => 0}, $class;
sub FETCH {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{VALUE};
sub STORE {
    my $self = shift;
    my $value = shift;
    my $handle = $self->{FH};
    print $handle "$value\n";
    $self->{VALUE} = $value;
    my $self = shift;
    my $handle = $self->{FH};
    print $handle "The End\n";
    close $handle;

Here is an example that makes use of our Remember class:

use strict;
use Remember;

my $fred;
$x = tie $fred, "Remember", "camel.log";
$fred = 1;
$fred = 4;
$fred = 5;
untie $fred;
system "cat camel.log";

This is the output when it is executed:

The Start
The End

So far, so good. Let's add an extra method to the Remember class that allows comments in the file--say, something like this:

sub comment {
    my $self = shift;
    my $message = shift;
    print { $self->{FH} } $handle $message, "\n";

And here is the previous example, modified to use the comment method:

use strict; use Remember; my ($fred, $x); $x = tie $fred, "Remember", "camel.log"; $fred = 1; $fred = 4; comment $x "changing…"; $fred = 5; untie $fred; ...

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