


public class KeyInfo : IEnumerable {
// Public Constructors
   public KeyInfo(  );
// Public Instance Properties
   public int Count{get; }
   public string Id{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public void AddClause(KeyInfoClause clause);
   public IEnumerator GetEnumerator(  );  
// implements IEnumerable
   public IEnumerator GetEnumerator(Type requestedObjectType);
   public XmlElement GetXml(  );
   public void LoadXml(System.Xml.XmlElement value);

The KeyInfo class is used to include information in an XML Signature that assists the recipient in identifying the cryptographic key required for verification. Individual pieces of information are represented by implementations of the KeyInfoClause class, instances of which are associated with this class through the AddClause( ) method. The SignedXml.KeyInfo property gets or sets the KeyInfo instance included in an XML Signature document.

Returned By

Signature.KeyInfo, SignedXml.KeyInfo

Passed To

Signature.KeyInfo, SignedXml.KeyInfo

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