


public sealed class SHA1CryptoServiceProvider : SHA1 {
// Public Constructors
   public SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(  );
// Public Instance Methods
   public override void Initialize(  );
 // overrides HashAlgorithm
                  // Protected Instance Methods
   protected override void Dispose(bool disposing);
 // overrides HashAlgorithm
   protected override void Finalize(  );
 // overrides object
   protected override void HashCore(byte[  ] rgb, int ibStart,   int cbSize);
 // overrides HashAlgorithm
   protected override byte[  ] HashFinal(  );
 // overrides HashAlgorithm

This subclass of SHA1 is the default implementation of the SHA-1 algorithm and is a wrapper around the Windows Crypto API.


System.Object HashAlgorithm(ICryptoTransform, System.IDisposable) SHA1 SHA1CryptoServiceProvider

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