


public sealed class Evidence : ICollection, IEnumerable {
// Public Constructors
   public Evidence(  );
   public Evidence(Evidence evidence);
   public Evidence(object[  ] hostEvidence, object[  ] assemblyEvidence);
// Public Instance Properties
   public int Count{get; }      
// implements ICollection
   public bool IsReadOnly{get; }
   public bool IsSynchronized{get; }     
// implements ICollection
   public bool Locked{set; get; }
   public object SyncRoot{get; }
// implements ICollection
                  // Public Instance Methods
   public void AddAssembly(object id);
   public void AddHost(object id);
   public void CopyTo(Array array, int index);   
// implements ICollection
   public IEnumerator GetAssemblyEnumerator(  );
   public IEnumerator GetEnumerator(  );   
// implements IEnumerable
   public IEnumerator GetHostEnumerator(  );
   public void Merge(Evidence evidence);

The Evidence class is a specialized collection used to contain evidence objects. The Evidence class actually contains two sets of evidence objects: a collection of host evidence and a collection of assembly evidence. Host evidence is the primary type of evidence used as input by the runtime to drive security policy resolution. The runtime, or possibly a trusted host, specifies the host evidence. Host evidence is added to the Evidence collection using the AddHost( ) method and accessed through the GetHostEnumerator( ) method.

Assembly evidence is normally specified at build time by the assembly developer and embedded in the assembly file as a serialized resource. ...

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