


public sealed class SecurityElement {
// Public Constructors
   public SecurityElement(string tag);
   public SecurityElement(string tag, string text);
// Public Instance Properties
   public Hashtable Attributes{set; get; }
   public ArrayList Children{set; get; }
   public string Tag{set; get; }
   public string Text{set; get; }
// Public Static Methods
   public static string Escape(string str);
   public static bool IsValidAttributeName(string name);
   public static bool IsValidAttributeValue(string value);
   public static bool IsValidTag(string tag);
   public static bool IsValidText(string text);
// Public Instance Methods
   public void AddAttribute(string name, string value);
   public void AddChild(SecurityElement child);
   public string Attribute(string name);
   public bool Equal(SecurityElement other);
   public SecurityElement SearchForChildByTag(string tag);
   public string SearchForTextOfTag(string tag);
   public override string ToString(  );
 // overrides object

This class implements a simple, lightweight XML object model for encoding .NET security objects. A SecurityElement object represents a single XML element that can contain a tag, attributes, and text. To build a hierarchy of XML objects, add SecurityElement objects representing the child nodes to an existing SecurityElement object using its Children property or AddChild( ) method. The ToString( ) method returns a string containing the XML representation of the SecurityElement and all of its children.

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