
For being able to compose a book on programming mobile devices, I am grateful to a number of people in my professional life. I especially wish to express my sincere thanks to Dir. Terho Niemi for putting me in charge of mobile device software architecture, which has initiated all this work; Prof. Ilkka Haikala for convincing me to apply for a professorship on mobile device programming; colleagues who have enabled many inspiring discussions; a number of master and doctoral students composing their theses on mobile systems programming; all the staff who have participated in the class of mobile programming in one form or another; and all the students who have taken the class and thus contributed to improving the material.

I also wish to thank a number of people who have reviewed different versions and parts of this book, including in particular Kari Systä, Tino Pyssysalo, Antti Juustila, and Reino Kurki-Suonio. Thanks to Symbian reviewers (Richard Harrison, Rick Martin, Rahul Singh, Kostyantyn Lutsenko, Warren Day, Ioannis Dourus, Attila Vamos, Jonathan Yu, Leela Prasanna, Krishna Vasudevan, Kamal Singhania, Kavita Khatawate, Amit Shivnani, Kajal Ahuja). I also wish to thank Laserwords for their help during the production process.

Finally, I also have a personal life. To this end, I wish to express my sincere apologies to my family. Hopefully daddy will be around more often in the future.

Tommi Mikkonen

Tampere, Finland.

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