
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “b” refer to figures and boxes respectively.


Accuracy of a floating-point arithmetic operation, 161–162
AddVecKernel( ) function, 56–57
Amdahl’s law, 286
AMD Opteron family, 1
ANSI C code, 43–44
Anti-aliasing operation, 26, 27f, 28f
Apple’s iPhone™ interfaces, 11
Application Programming Interface (API) libraries, 24–25
Array data layout
column major layout, 70
row major layout, 70
Arithmetic instructions, 99, 99
ATI Radeon 9700, 28–29
Asynchronous data transfer, 424–425
Autotuning, 77


Backward substitution, 166, 166f
Barrier synchronization, 81, 431
example execution timing of, 82f
Barrier synchronizations, 125
Barrier __syncthreads( ) function, 114–115
Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, 71
Bezier ...

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