Compilation, Statements, and Comments

C is a compiled language. You write your program as text; to run the program, things proceed in two stages. First your text is compiled into machine instructions; then those machine instructions are executed. Thus, as with any compiled language, you can make two kinds of mistake:

  • Any purely syntactic errors (meaning that you spoke the C language incorrectly) will be caught by the compiler, and the program won’t even begin to run.
  • If your program gets past the compiler, then it will run, but there is no guarantee that you haven’t made some other sort of mistake, which can be detected only by noticing that the program doesn’t behave as intended.

The C compiler is fussy, but you should accept its interference with good grace. The compiler is your friend: learn to love it. It may emit what looks like an irrelevant or incomprehensible error message, but when it does, the fact is that you’ve done something wrong and the compiler has helpfully caught it for you. Also, the compiler can warn you if something seems like a possible mistake, even though it isn’t strictly illegal; these warnings, which differ from outright errors, are also helpful and should not be ignored.

I have said that running a program requires a preceding stage: compilation. But in fact there is a third stage that precedes compilation: preprocessing. (It doesn’t really matter whether you think of preprocessing as a stage preceding compilation or as the first stage of compilation.) Preprocessing modifies your text, so when your text is handed to the compiler, it is not identical to the text you wrote. Preprocessing might sound tricky and intrusive, but in fact it proceeds only according to your instructions and is helpful for making your code clearer and more compact.

Xcode allows you to view the effects of preprocessing on your program text (choose Product → Generate Output → Preprocessed File), so if you think you’ve made a mistake in instructing the preprocessor, you can track it down. I’ll talk more later about some of the things you’re likely to say to the preprocessor.

C is a statement-based language; every statement ends in a semicolon. (Forgetting the semicolon is a common beginner’s mistake.) For readability, programs are mostly written with one statement per line, but this is by no means a hard and fast rule: long statements (which, unfortunately, arise very often because of Objective-C’s verbosity) are commonly split over multiple lines, and extremely short statements are sometimes written two or three to a line. You cannot split a line just anywhere, however; for example, a literal string can’t contain a return character. Indentation is linguistically meaningless and is purely a matter of convention (and C programmers argue over those conventions with near-religious fervor); Xcode helps “intelligently” by indenting automatically, and you can use its automatic indentation both to keep your code readable and to confirm that you’re not making any basic syntactic mistakes.

Comments are delimited in K&R C by /* ... */; the material between the delimiters can consist of multiple lines (K&R 1.2). In modern versions of C, a comment also can be denoted by two slashes (//); the rule is that if two slashes appear, they and everything after them on the same line are ignored:

int lower = 0; // lower limit of temperature table

These are sometimes called C++-style comments and are much more convenient for brief comments than the K&R comment syntax.

Throughout the C language (and therefore, throughout Objective-C as well), capitalization matters. All names are case-sensitive. There is no such data type as Int; it’s lowercase “int.” If you declare an int called lower and then try to speak of the same variable as Lower, the compiler will complain. By convention, variable names tend to start with a lowercase letter.

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