

+ (addition) operator, 54-58

& (address) operator, 278

+= (assignment) operator, 64

= (assignment) operator, 64-65, 74

-= (assignment) operator, 64

* (asterisk), 42

@ (at symbol), 20, 317

& (bitwise AND) operator, 215

| (bitwise OR) operator, 216

^ (bitwise XOR) operator, 216-217

^ (caret), 267

: (colon), 123

, (comma) operator, 299

/* */ comment syntax, 19

// comment syntax, 19

{} (curly braces), 20

-- (decrement) operator, 78, 291-294

/ (division) operator, 54-58

$ (dollar sign), 16

. (dot) operator, 135-136

“ (double quotes), 132

== (equal to) operator, 74

> (greater than) operator, 74

>= (greater than or equal to) operator, 74

++ (increment) operator, 78, 291-294

* (indirection) operator, 278

<< (left-shift) operator, 218-

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