The Bitwise Inclusive-OR Operator

When two values are bitwise inclusive-ORed in Objective-C, the binary representation of the two values is once again compared bit by bit. This time, each bit that is a 1 in the first value or a 1 in the second value produces a 1 in the corresponding bit of the result. The truth table for the inclusive-OR operator is shown next.

b1      b2    b1 | b2————————————————————————0       0        00       1        11       0        11       1        1

So if w1 is a short int equal to hexadecimal 19 and w2 is a short int equal to hexadecimal 6a, a bitwise inclusive-OR of w1 and w2 produces a result of hexadecimal 7b, as shown:

w1   0000 0000 0001  1001       0x19w2   0000 0000 0110  1010    |  0x6a————————————————————————————————————— ...

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