
Context is one of the characteristics of a DSL. As humans, we rely heavily on context when we communicate. We’re efficient, and context provides for continuity in our conversations. The other day I heard my friend Neal holler, “Venti latte with two extra shots!” He was using the Starbucks DSL. Nowhere did he mention the word “coffee,” but he sure got one, at a high price. That’s context-driven.

Let’s look at Java code to order pizza. This code lacks context. The reference joesPizza is used repeatedly:

//Java code
package​ com.agiledeveloper;
public​ ​class​ OrderPizza {
public​ ​static​ ​void​ main(​String​​[]​ args) {
PizzaShop joesPizza = ​new​ PizzaShop();
joesPizza.setSize(Size.LARGE); ...

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