Building JSON

Groovy provides convenient solutions for when we’re creating web services and need to generate a JSON-formatted object.[36] Its as simple as sending our instances to groovy.json.JsonBuilder’s constructor, and the builder takes care of the rest. We can write the generated JSON format to a Writer by calling the writeTo method, as in the next example.

class​ Person {
String​ first
String​ last
def​ sigs
def​ tools
john = ​new​ Person(first: ​"John"​, last: ​"Smith"​,
sigs: [​'Java'​, ​'Groovy'​], tools: [​'script'​: ​'Groovy'​, ​'test'​: ​'Spock'​])
bldr = ​new​ groovy.json.JsonBuilder(john)
writer = ​new​ ​StringWriter​()
println writer

The builder uses the ...

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