Database Select

We can use the Sql object to conveniently iterate through data in a table. Simply call the eachRow method, provide it with a SQL query to execute, and give it a closure to process each row of data, thusly:

println ​"City Temperature"
sql.eachRow(​'SELECT * from weather'​) {
printf ​"%-20s%s\n"​,, it[1]

The data fetched using the previous code is as follows:

City Temperature
Austin 48
Baton Rouge 57
Jackson 50
Montgomery 53
Phoenix 67
Sacramento 66
Santa Fe 27
Tallahassee 59

We asked eachRow to execute the SQL query on the weather table to process all its rows. We then iterated (as the name each indicates) over each row. There’s more grooviness here—we can use the ...

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