Setting Up the Database

We’ll use MySQL in the examples in this chapter; however, we can use any database that we can access using JDBC. First let’s set up the database we’ll use in the examples, with a table named weather. The table contains names of and temperature values for some cities.

It’s easier to set up the database using an automated script than to do it manually. So, let’s create a SQL script to build the database:

create​ ​database​ ​if​ ​not​ ​exists​ weatherinfo;
use weatherinfo;
drop​ ​table​ ​if​ ​exists​ weather;
create​ ​table​ weather (
city ​varchar​(100) ​not​ null,
temperature ​integer​ ​not​ null
insert​ ​into​ weather (city, temperature) ​values​ (​'Austin'​, 48);
insert​ ​into​ weather (city, ...

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