Iterating Over Map

Groovy has added quite a few convenience methods to maps.[26] We can iterate over a Map, just like how we iterated over an ArrayList (see Iterating Over an ArrayList).

Map has a flavor of the each and collect methods.

Map’s each Method

Let’s look at an example of using the each method:

langs = [​'C++'​ : ​'Stroustrup'​, ​'Java'​ : ​'Gosling'​, ​'Lisp'​ : ​'McCarthy'​]
langs.each { entry ->
println ​"Language ​$entry​.key was authored by ​$entry​.value"

The output from the previous code is as follows:

Language C++ was authored by Stroustrup
Language Java was authored by Gosling
Language Lisp was authored by McCarthy

If the closure we attach to each takes only one ...

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