
On the Internet, popularity is swift and fleeting. A mention of your website on a popular blog can bring 300,000 potential customers your way at once, all expecting to find out who you are and what you have to offer. But if you’re a small company just starting out, your hardware and software aren’t likely to be able to handle that kind of traffic. Chances are, you’ve sensibly built your site to handle the 30,000 visits per hour you’re actually expecting in your first 6 months. Under heavy load, such a system would be incapable of showing even your company logo to the 270,000 others that showed up to look around. And those potential customers are not likely to come back after the traffic has subsided.

The answer is not to spend time and money building a system to serve millions of visitors on the first day, when those same systems are only expected to serve mere thousands per day for the subsequent months. If you delay your launch to build big, you miss the opportunity to improve your product using feedback from your customers. Building big before allowing customers to use the product risks building something your customers don’t want.

Small companies usually don’t have access to large systems of servers on day one. The best they can do is to build small and hope meltdowns don’t damage their reputation as they try to grow. The lucky ones find their audience, get another round of funding, and halt feature development to rebuild their product for larger capacity. The unlucky ones, well, don’t.

But these days, there are other options. Large Internet companies such as, Google, and Microsoft are leasing parts of their high-capacity systems using a pay-per-use model. Your website is served from those large systems, which are plenty capable of handling sudden surges in traffic and ongoing success. And since you pay only for what you use, there is no up-front investment that goes to waste when traffic is low. As your customer base grows, the costs grow proportionally.

Google App Engine, Google’s application hosting service, does more than just provide access to hardware. It provides a model for building applications that grow automatically. App Engine runs your application so that each user who accesses it gets the same experience as every other user, whether there are dozens of simultaneous users or thousands. The application uses the same large-scale services that power Google’s applications for data storage and retrieval, caching, and network access. App Engine takes care of the tasks of large-scale computing, such as load balancing, data replication, and fault tolerance, automatically.

The App Engine model really kicks in at the point where a traditional system would outgrow its first database server. With such a system, adding load-balanced web servers and caching layers can get you pretty far, but when your application needs to write data to more than one place, you have a hard problem. This problem is made harder when development up to that point has relied on features of database software that were never intended for data distributed across multiple machines. By thinking about your data in terms of App Engine’s model up front, you save yourself from having to rebuild the whole thing later, without much additional effort.

Running on Google’s infrastructure means you never have to set up a server, replace a failed hard drive, or troubleshoot a network card. And you don’t have to be woken up in the middle of the night by a screaming pager because an ISP hiccup confused a service alarm. And with automatic scaling, you don’t have to scramble to set up new hardware as traffic increases.

Google App Engine lets you focus on your application’s functionality and user experience. You can launch early, enjoy the flood of attention, retain customers, and start improving your product with the help of your users. Your app grows with the size of your audience—up to Google-sized proportions—without having to rebuild for a new architecture. Meanwhile, your competitors are still putting out fires and configuring databases.

With this book, you will learn how to develop applications that run on Google App Engine, and how to get the most out of the scalable model. A significant portion of the book discusses the App Engine scalable datastore, which does not behave like the relational databases that have been a staple of web development for the past decade. The application model and the datastore together represent a new way of thinking about web applications that, while being almost as simple as the model we’ve known, requires reconsidering a few principles we often take for granted.

This book introduces the major features of App Engine, including the scalable services (such as for sending email and manipulating images), tools for deploying and managing applications, and features for integrating your application with Google Accounts and Google Apps using your own domain name. The book also discusses techniques for optimizing your application, using task queues and offline processes, and otherwise getting the most out of Google App Engine.

Using This Book

As of this writing, App Engine supports two technology stacks for building web applications: Java and Python. The Java technology stack lets you develop web applications using the Java programming language (or most other languages that compile to Java bytecode or have a JVM-based interpreter) and Java web technologies such as servlets and JSPs. The Python technology stack provides a fast interpreter for the Python programming language, and is compatible with several major open source web application frameworks such as Django.

This book covers concepts that apply to both technology stacks, as well as important language-specific subjects. If you’ve already decided which language you’re going to use, you probably won’t be interested in information that doesn’t apply to that language. This poses a challenge for a printed book: how should the text be organized so information about one technology doesn’t interfere with information about the other?

Foremost, we’ve tried to organize the chapters by the major concepts that apply to all App Engine applications. Where necessary, chapters split into separate sections to talk about specifics for each language. In cases where an example in one language illustrates a concept equally well for other languages, the example is given in Python. If Python is not your language of choice, hopefully you’ll be able to glean the equivalent information from other parts of the book or from the official App Engine documentation on Google’s website.

The datastore is a large enough subject that it gets multiple chapters to itself. Starting with Chapter 4, datastore concepts are introduced alongside Python and Java APIs related to those concepts. Note that we’ve taken an unconventional approach to introducing the datastore APIs by starting with the low-level APIs that map directly to datastore concepts. In your applications, you are most likely to prefer the higher level APIs of the data modeling interfaces. Data modeling is discussed separately, in Chapter 7 for Python, and in Chapter 8 for Java.

Google may release additional technology stacks for other languages in the future. If they’ve done so by the time you read this, the concepts described here should still be relevant. Check this book’s website for information about future editions.

This book has the following chapters:

Chapter 1, Introducing Google App Engine

A high-level overview of Google App Engine and its components, tools, and major features. This chapter also includes a brief discussion of features you might expect App Engine to have but that it doesn’t have yet.

Chapter 2, Creating an Application

An introductory tutorial for both Python and Java, including instructions on setting up a development environment, setting up accounts and domain names, and deploying the application to App Engine. The tutorial application demonstrates the use of several App Engine features—Google Accounts, the datastore, and memcache—to implement a pattern common to many web applications: storing and retrieving user preferences.

Chapter 3, Handling Web Requests

Contains details about App Engine’s architecture, the various features of the frontend, app servers, and static file servers, and details about the app server runtime environments for Python and Java. The frontend routes requests to the app servers and the static file servers, and manages secure connections and Google Accounts authentication and authorization. This chapter also discusses quotas and limits, and how to raise them by setting a budget.

Chapter 4, Datastore Entities

The first of several chapters on the App Engine datastore, a strongly consistent scalable object data storage system with support for local transactions. This chapter introduces data entities, keys and properties, and Python and Java APIs for creating, updating, and deleting entities.

Chapter 5, Datastore Queries

An introduction to datastore queries and indexes, and the Python and Java APIs for queries. The App Engine datastore’s query engine uses prebuilt indexes for all queries. This chapter describes the features of the query engine in detail, and how each feature uses indexes. The chapter also discusses how to define and manage indexes for your application’s queries.

Chapter 6, Datastore Transactions

How to use transactions to keep your data consistent. The App Engine datastore uses local transactions in a scalable environment. Your app arranges its entities in units of transactionality known as entity groups. This chapter attempts to provide a complete explanation of how the datastore updates data, and how to design your data and your app to best take advantage of these features.

Chapter 7, Data Modeling with Python

How to use the Python data modeling API to enforce invariants in your data schema. The datastore itself is schemaless, a fundamental aspect of its scalability. You can automate the enforcement of data schemas using App Engine’s data modeling interface. This chapter covers Python exclusively, though Java developers may wish to skim it for advice related to data modeling.

Chapter 8, The Java Persistence API

A brief introduction to the Java Persistence API (JPA), how its concepts translate to the datastore, how to use it to model data schemas, and how using it makes your application easier to port to other environments. JPA is a Java EE standard interface. App Engine also supports another standard interface known as Java Data Objects (JDO), though JDO is not covered in this book. This chapter covers Java exclusively.

Chapter 9, The Memory Cache

App Engine’s memory cache service (aka “memcache”), and its Python and Java APIs. Aggressive caching is essential for high-performance web applications.

Chapter 10, Fetching URLs and Web Resources

How to access other resources on the Internet via HTTP using the URL Fetch service. This chapter covers the Python and Java interfaces, including implementations of standard URL fetching libraries. It also describes the asynchronous URL Fetch interface, which as of this writing is exclusive to Python.

Chapter 11, Sending and Receiving Mail and Instant Messages

How to use App Engine services to send email and instant messages to XMPP-compatible services (such as Google Talk). This chapter covers receiving email and XMPP chat messages relayed by App Engine using request handlers. It also discusses creating and processing messages using tools in the API.

Chapter 12, Bulk Data Operations and Remote Access

How to perform large maintenance operations on your live application using scripts running on your computer. Tools included with the SDK make it easy to back up, restore, load, and retrieve data in your app’s datastore. You can also write your own tools using the remote access API for data transformations and other jobs. You can also run an interactive Python command shell that uses the remote API to manipulate a live Python or Java app.

Chapter 13, Task Queues and Scheduled Tasks

How to perform work outside of user requests using task queues. Task queues perform tasks in parallel by running your code on multiple application servers. You control the processing rate with configuration. Tasks can also be executed on a regular schedule with no user interaction.

Chapter 14, The Django Web Application Framework

How to use the Django web application framework with the Python runtime environment. This chapter discusses setting up a Django project, using the Django App Engine Helper, and taking advantage of features of Django via the Helper such as using the App Engine data modeling interface with forms and test fixtures.

Chapter 15, Deploying and Managing Applications

How to upload and run your app on App Engine, how to update and test an application using app versions, and how to manage and inspect the running application. This chapter also introduces other maintenance features of the Administrator Console, including billing. We conclude with a list of places to go for help and further reading.

Conventions Used in This Book

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:


Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions.

Constant width

Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program elements such as variable or function names, databases, data types, environment variables, statements, and keywords.

Constant width bold

Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user.

Constant width italic

Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values determined by context.


This icon signifies a tip, suggestion, or general note.

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I owe a great deal of thanks to the App Engine team, of which I’ve been a proud member since 2008. This book would not exist without the efforts and leadership of Paul McDonald, Pete Koomen, and App Engine’s fearless tech lead, Kevin Gibbs.

I am especially indebted to the App Engine datastore team, who have made significant contributions to the datastore chapters. Ryan Barrett, lead datastore engineer, provided many hours of conversation and detailed technical review. Max Ross, implementor of the Java datastore interfaces and the JDO and JPA adapters, wrote major portions of Chapter 8. Rafe Kaplan, designer of the Python data modeling library, contributed portions of Chapter 7. My thanks to them.

Thanks to Matthew Blain, Michael Davidson, Alex Gaysinsky, Peter McKenzie, Don Schwarz, and Jeffrey Scudder for reviewing portions of the book in detail. Thanks also to Andy Smith for making last-minute improvements to the Django Helper in time to be included here. Many other App Engine contributors had a hand, directly or indirectly, in making this book what it is: Freeland Abbott, Mike Aizatsky, Ken Ashcraft, Anthony Baxter, Chris Beckmann, Andrew Bowers, Matthew Brown, Ryan Brown, Hannah Chen, Lei Chen, Jason Cooper, Mark Dalrymple, Pavni Diwanji, Brad Fitzpatrick, Alfred Fuller, David Glazer, John Grabowski, Joe Gregorio, Raju Gulabani, Justin Haugh, Jeff Huber, Kevin Jin, Erik Johnson, Nick Johnson, Mickey Kataria, Scott Knaster, Marc Kriguer, Alon Levi, Sean Lynch, Gianni Mariani, Mano Marks, Jon McAlister, Sean McBride, Marzia Niccolai, Alan Noble, Brandon Nutter, Karsten Petersen, George Pirocanac, Alexander Power, Mike Repass, Toby Reyelts, Fred Sauer, Jens Scheffler, Robert Schuppenies, Lindsey Simon, John Skidgel, Brett Slatkin, Graham Spencer, Amanda Surya, David Symonds, Joseph Ternasky, Eric Tholomé, Troy Trimble, Guido van Rossum, Nicholas Verne, Michael Winton, and Wenbo Zhu.

Thanks also to Dan Morrill, Mark Pilgrim, Steffi Wu, Karen Wickre, Jane Penner, Jon Murchinson, Tom Stocky, Vic Gundotra, Bill Coughran, and Alan Eustace.

At O’Reilly, I’m eternally grateful to Michael Loukides, who had nothing but good advice and an astonishing amount of patience for a first-time author. Let’s do another one!

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