This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition
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Summary of Communication Components
many other components rely on the connection it establishes. See “Forgoing the Sim-
pleConnect Component” at the end of the chapter for how to notify other compo-
nents of a connection without using the SimpleConnect component.
Here are some guidelines to help you understand the following sections on the indi-
vidual components:
The corresponding client-side ActionScript class for a FlashCom communica-
tion component has a name of the form
FCComponentNameClass; for example,
the class name of the AudioConference component is FCAudioConferenceClass.
Most of the communication components have parameters that can be config-
ured in the Properties panel or the Component Inspector panel. If there are
parameters that are configurable through the UI for a component, we cover them
in the description of each component. All component parameters can also be
configured using ActionScript properties of the component as noted. For exam-
ple, the LatencyThreshold parameter of the ConnectionLight component is con-
figurable using the component’s
threshold property. Some component
parameters are configurable only via ActionScript, such as the
username property
of the Chat component. It is up to the component developer to determine which
properties of a component are exposed in the Properties panel or the Compo-
nent Inspector panel. The communication components’ parameters can be
exposed in the Component Definition dialog box (available by right-clicking or
Cmd-clicking the component symbol in the Library). For any component writ-
ten in ActionScript 2.0 (AS 2.0), such as the Flash MX 2004 UI Components,
parameters can also be exposed by defining inspectable properties in its .as class
file. The Macromedia communication components are not written in AS 2.0;
therefore, configurable parameters can’t be exposed to the UI via their .as files.
Unless otherwise specified, the component does not include (nest) any other
Flash UI components (see Table 2-1). If a component does require other compo-
nents, they will be included with the Flash movie automatically.
The AudioConference component enables two or more users to communicate with
each other by subscribing to one or more audio-only streams. Each user who wants
to publish an audio stream must have a microphone that is compatible with Flash
Player 6 or higher. The interface of the component (see Figure 2-2) displays all the
connected users. It allows each user to click a Talk button to start sending the audio
stream, or the user can select an Auto checkbox wherein the component automati-
cally starts and stops an audio stream when the user begins or stops talking. When a
user is talking, a light to the left of the user’s name turns green. When the user stops
talking, the light reverts to gray.

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