This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition
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Publishing Streams in Detail
Bandwidth and Performance Problems
Network bandwidth can vary dramatically depending on the type of connection
(LAN, DSL, modem) and on the quality of all the network segments between the
publishing movie and the FlashCom Server. The bandwidth may also vary signifi-
cantly during the life of the connection. Each stream travels within a network con-
nection, and multiple publishing and subscribing streams cannot send or receive
more data than the connection is capable of carrying at any moment. For example, a
connection via modem may allow sending a total of 56 Kbps of data while receiving
56 Kbps of data. Sending a single video stream at 16 KB/s (131 Kbps because there
are 8 bits in a byte) will therefore cause a problem. Even worse, receiving three 16
KB/s streams is not possible. Most of the data will have to be dropped to reduce the
total from 48 KB/s to 56 Kbps and the arrival of data will have to be delayed. Fur-
thermore, the ideal speed of 56 Kbps is rarely achieved on a dial-up modem.
Throughput of 33 Kbps is more realistic. On the other hand, someone with a good
DSL connection will have no problems sending one video stream or receiving the
same three video streams.
The amount of data that a movie attempts to publish within a stream largely depends
on how the video and audio sources attached to the stream are configured. The reso-
lution and frame rate of the video source and sampling rate of the audio source are
just some of the adjustments that can be made to control data rates. Using the Cam-
era and Microphone classes to control the amount of data sent in a stream is
described in detail in Chapter 6. Before video data can be carried by the stream, it
has to be captured from a device and compressed. The publishing system’s CPU may
not be able to process all the video data in real time. At high video resolutions, the
system may have to drop video frames in order to avoid falling too far behind the
video source. Even when the system can capture all the audio and video data, the
stream may not have sufficient bandwidth available to it to carry all the data. Send-
ing large amounts of ActionScript data can also adversely impact performance (later,
we’ll look at ways to minimize the bandwidth required for ActionScript data).
The RTMP protocol runs over a reliable TCP connection, which means that unlike
UDP streaming protocols, any lost data packets are resent in order to guarantee they
are delivered. When a stream contains more data than can be sent because of band-
width limitations, data must be either held in a buffer until it can be sent or dropped
at the source.
For live streams, when users want to communicate in real time, buffering is not a
practical option. Therefore, for live streams, RTMP uses a scheme that does two
Prioritizes data into three classes so that audio receives the highest priority and is
therefore delivered as soon as possible. Data is given second priority, and video
the lowest priority.

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