


Evaluates an expression and returns the result. Evaluate is equivalent to enclosing the expression in square brackets ([ ]).




A range address, a named range, or a formula

It is common to use the bracket notation for the Evaluate method since it is shorter. The following code displays various values from the active sheet:

Sub TestEvaluate(  )
    ' Show value of cell A1.
    Debug.Print [a1]
    ' Show total of A1:A3.
    Debug.Print [sum(a1:a3)]
    ' Show table of named ranges
    Dim n As Name, str As String
    Debug.Print "Name", "# w/data", "Address"
    For Each n In Names
        str = "Count(" & n.Name & ")"
        Debug.Print n.Name, Evaluate(str), [n]
End Sub

Using the bracket notation with a Name object returns the address of the name.

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