Filter Ranges

Filters work by hiding rows that don’t meet certain criteria. Filter criteria are selected from drop-down lists in a column’s heading. You can select built-in criteria, such as Top 10, or enter your own custom criteria. To create a filter in Excel:

  1. Select the header row of the rows you want to filter.

  2. Choose Data → Filter → AutoFilter. Excel adds a filter drop-down list to each of the selected columns.


Lists provide a more powerful and flexible tool for filtering ranges . Lists are available only in Excel 2003, however.

To apply the filter, select the criteria from one of the drop-down lists as shown in Figure 11-2. Excel hides the rows below that don’t match the criteria. You can apply filters for more than one column to further narrow the range of displayed rows.

Applying a filter to a stock price history table

Figure 11-2. Applying a filter to a stock price history table

To create a filter in code, use the Range object’s AutoFilter method without arguments. To apply a filter, call AutoFilter again with the column to filter and the criteria as arguments. The following ApplyFilter procedure creates a filter and applies a filter to display 10 days with the most volume (column 6 in Figure 11-2):

Sub ApplyFilter(  )
    Dim header As Range
    Set header = [e21:k21]
    ' Create filter
    ' Apply filter to show top 10 volume days.
    header.AutoFilter 6, "10", XlAutoFilterOperator.xlTop10Items
End Sub


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