The Application

We’re almost done. All we have to do now is write a file with the extension app that contains information about our application.
%% This is the application resource file (.app file) for the 'base'
%% application.
{application, sellaprime,
[{description, ​"The Prime Number Shop"​},
{vsn, ​"1.0"​},
{modules, [sellaprime_app, sellaprime_supervisor, area_server,
prime_server, lib_lin, lib_primes, my_alarm_handler]},
{registered,[area_server, prime_server, sellaprime_super]},
{applications, [kernel,stdlib]},
{mod, {sellaprime_app,[]}},
{start_phases, []}

Then we have to write a callback module with the same name as the mod file in the previous file. This file is derived by filling in the ...

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