An Erlang Shell in the Browser

We can use the code in the interface pattern to make an Erlang shell that runs in the browser.


We won’t show all the code since it is similar to that in the interaction example. These are the relevant parts of the code:

start(Browser) ->
Browser ! #{cmd => append_div, id => scroll,
txt => <<​"Starting Erlang shell:<br>"​>>},
B0 = erl_eval:new_bindings(),
running(Browser, B0, 1).
running(Browser, B0, N) ->
{Browser, #{entry => <<​"input"​>>}, txt => Bin}} ->
{Value, B1} = string2value(​binary_to_list​(Bin), B0),
BV = bf(​"~w > <font color='red'>~s</font><br>~p<br>" ...

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