Programming for Fault Tolerance

In this section, you’ll learn a few simple techniques that can be used to make fault-tolerant code. This is not the whole story of how to make a fault-tolerant system, but it is the start of a story.

Performing an Action When a Process Dies

The function on_exit(Pid, Fun) watches the process Pid and evaluates Fun(Why) if the process exits with the reason Why.

Line 1 
on_exit(Pid, Fun) ->
spawn​(​fun​() ->
Ref = ​monitor​(process, Pid),
{'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, Why} ->

monitor(process, Pid) (line 3) creates a monitor to Pid. When the process dies, a DOWN message is received (line 5) and calls Fun(Why) (line 6).

To test this, we’ll define ...

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