
Erlang macros are written as shown here:

-define​(Constant, Replacement).
-define​(Func(Var1, Var2,.., Var), Replacement).

Macros are expanded by the Erlang preprocessor epp when an expression of the form ?MacroName is encountered. Variables occurring in the macro definition match complete forms in the corresponding site of the macro call.

-define​(macro1(X, Y), {a, X, Y}).
foo(A) ->
?macro1(A+10, b)

That expands into this:

foo(A) ->

In addition, a number of predefined macros provide information about the current module. They are as follows:

  • ?FILE expands to the current filename.

  • ?MODULE expands to the current module name.

  • ?LINE expands to the current line number.

Control Flow in Macros

Inside a module, the following ...

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