Implementing a Protocol

The defimpl macro lets you give Elixir the implementation of a protocol for one or more types. The code that follows is the implementation of the Inspect protocol for PIDs and references.

defimpl​ Inspect, ​for​: PID ​do
def​ inspect(pid, _opts) ​do
"#PID"​ <> iolist_to_binary(pid_to_list(pid))
defimpl​ Inspect, ​for​: Reference ​do
def​ inspect(ref, _opts) ​do
'#Ref'​ ++ rest = :erlang.ref_to_list(ref)
"#Reference"​ <> iolist_to_binary(rest)

Finally, the Kernel module implements inspect, which calls Inspect.inspect with its parameter. This means that when you call inspect(self), it becomes a call to Inspect.inspect(self). And because self is a PID, this in turn ...

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