Naming a Process

The idea of referencing processes by their PID gets old quickly. Fortunately, there are a number of alternatives.

The simplest is local naming. We assign a name that is unique for all OTP processes on our server, and then we use that name instead of the PID whenever we reference it. To create a locally named process, we use the name: option when we start the server:

iex>​ { :ok, pid } = GenServer.start_link(Sequence.Server, 100, name: :seq)
iex>​, :next_number)
iex>​, :next_number)
iex>​ :sys.get_status :seq
{:status, ​#PID<0.69.0>, {:module, :gen_server},
[[​"$ancestors"​: [​#PID<0.58.0>],
"$initial_call"​: {Sequence.Server, :init, ...

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