Naming Nodes

So far we haven’t needed to give our node a name—we’ve had only one. If we ask Elixir what the current node is called, it’ll give us a made-up name:

iex>​ Node.self

We can set the name of a node when we start it. With iex, use either the --name or --sname option. The former sets a fully qualified name:

$ ​iex --name wibble@light-boy.local
iex(wibble@light-boy.local)> Node.self

The latter sets a short name.

The name that’s returned is an atom—it’s in quotes because it contains characters not allowed in a literal atom.

$ ​iex --sname wobble
iex(wobble@light-boy)> Node.self

Note that in both cases the iex prompt contains the node’s name along with my machine’s ...

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