Single-Quoted Strings—Lists of Character Codes

Single-quoted strings are represented as a list of integer values, each value corresponding to a codepoint in the string. For this reason, we refer to them as character lists (or char lists).

iex>​ str = ​'wombat'
iex>​ is_list str
iex>​ length str
iex>​ Enum.reverse str

This is confusing: iex says it is a list, but it shows the value as a string. That’s because iex prints a list of integers as a string if it believes each number in the list is a printable character. You can try this for yourself.

iex>​ [ 67, 65, 84 ]

You can look at the internal representation in a number of ways:

iex>​ str = ​'wombat'
iex>​ :io.format ...

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