Pattern Matching and Updating Maps

The question we most often ask of our maps is, “Do you have the following keys (and maybe values)?”

  • Is there an entry with the key :name?

  • Are there entries for the keys :name and :height?

  • Does the entry with key :name have the value "Dave"?

Here’s how we ask these questions using Elixir patterns.

iex>​ person = %{ name: ​"Dave"​, height: 1.88 }
%{height: 1.88, name: ​"Dave"​}​​
iex>​ %{ name: a_name } = person
%{height: 1.88, name: ​"Dave"​}​​
iex>​ a_name
iex>​ %{ name: _, height: _ } = person
%{height: 1.88, name: ​"Dave"​}​​
iex>​ %{ name: ​"Dave"​ } = person
%{height: 1.88, name: ​"Dave"​}

Our map does not have the key :weight, so the following pattern match fails:

iex>​ %{ ...

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